Want better health? Fix your feet

Happy Feet and your Health

You need to connect the state of your feet to your overall health. And if that scares you, I got you! Let’s make your feet happier and body healthier.


The Basics of Foot Joy

You might not share the same joy I have when I comes to feet but I LOVE feet, my feet, your feet, everyone’s feet. Gross, I know right? But I feel drawn to the feet as I would a pound puppy. The feet have such an amazing connection our bodies and yet we stuff them into shoes. Keep them wrapped up in socks for most of the year. Neglect them from proper self-care. And dumb them down by walking in cushy shoes and flat, polished floors.

To awaken the feet to your body’s full healing potential, I would like to first begin with the basics. Happy feet equals a healthy body, so let’s start from the ground up.

Sensory re-education: Rub your feet with your hands, a towel or a brush. Your feet may need some stimulus to reawaken it’s sensory map to improve your movement.

Mobility: Your foot needs to regain mobility so you can eventually walk without shoes for a period of time. Ankle circles that evolve into figure 8’s, standing on rolled up socks and toe grabs are great first steps towards more mobility of the foot and ankle.

Strength: Let’s translate ‘strength’ as stability. Your foot is structured to withstand rocks, uneven terrain, roots, weeds, brush and more! Training for stability ranges from balancing on wobble surfaces or balancing on one foot while swinging the other leg. Playing ‘tippy toe’ lift and lowers slowly can also be a great start!

Play: Explore your movement outside and train with non-linear movements. Don’t shorten your movement map to just ‘gym’ exercises. Learn to roll, stub, trip, climb, hike and maneuver in natural terrain! We generally go backwards on this ‘basics’ list and this is how we get hurt. Follow the order so you CAN play!


Connecting the Systems


At the base of your foot, you have an acupoint that can help with insomnia, anxiety, low back pain, stomach cramps and so much more. Yong Guan 涌泉 or “Bubbling Spring” is the 1st point of the Kidney channel. Kidney 1 is the connection point your body has with the earth. It’s literally is the grounding point of the body.

Keeping with the understanding there are many other acupoints of the foot, walking around barefoot has more benefits than just exercising mobility and stability of the foot. Get your barefeet outside early in the morning this late spring and summer and walk around for 15 minutes as the sun begins to rise. Many Qigong practitioners will begin their day with thin shoes and connect with the Yin Qi from the earth and the Yang Qi from the sun. The simple are of walking with intention is referred to as Guolin qigong.


Every step you take, massages the joints of the foot and acupoint of the foot and ankle. Yes, movement IS massage. Your goal is stimulation and circulation. But biomechanics of walking affect much more than just the feet. With every step forward, our heel connects with the ground beneath us sending a wave of vibrations up the lateral legs, crossing over at the sacral illiac joint and move up the opposite side of the ribs to reach the shoulder, neck and jaw. You whole structure of the body becomes involved as does your lungs, vision, inner ear and other reflexes to keep you upright, in motion and safe.


Guolin Qigong or Qi walking is rhythmic and your brain loves a good steady beat. Consider the brain’s activation when we pair unfamiliar terrain stimulus with our feet. Your inner ear has a direct line to the feet and if you want to improve your posture and your balance, walk for 5 minutes a day barefoot on something spicy, like sand, grass or even dirt trails. Take into consideration you may need to train up for this stimulus but when you’ve trained the basics of your foots function, then you’ll know when you’re ready.


I just want to end with the obvious but it still needs to be said, please train SLOWLY and with comfort. Don’t push yourself beyond what you are presently ready for, know your limitations. Your feet have had a long winter boxed and wrapped up in socks and shoes. Think of this as a gentle awakening! Awaken the feet this spring/summer and feel the changes in your body.


Check out my Youtube mini-videos as I continue to go over Neuro-Qi basics so you can
apply Chinese Medicine into your every day lives!



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