Stop rapid aging with this Summer Qi Secret!

It’s Heart Time… what are you up to this hour?

It’s no secret that many of us tend to ignore the body’s natural need to YIN and rest. Rather than speeding up your biological clock, slow things down and use the time of the heart to regenerate!


The Hour of the Heart

Between the hours of 11am and 1pm, you can tap into the Qi ‘surge’ for the Heart. According to Chinese Medicine theory, the midday period is considered an important time for nourishing and supporting the Heart system. It is believed that during this time, the Heart energy is abundant, and activities that promote relaxation and emotional well-being can be beneficial.

During the 11 am to 1 pm time frame, it is recommended to engage in activities that are calming, such as taking a short break, practicing deep breathing exercises, or meditating. These practices can help to reduce stress, support emotional balance, and improve overall heart health.


Take a siesta. Take Wu Shui 午睡 

There is a saying in Chinese that reads “zhongwu bu shui, xiawu bengkui” meaning that “not napping at noon will lead to you collapsing in the afternoon.” Though many within China don’t get a full two hours, there are many who recognize the importance of some form of stillness during the midday - be is a head down on your desk or turning off electronics to take a break.

It's important to note that the duration of a midday nap can vary depending on individual needs and preferences. A short nap of around 20-30 minutes is often recommended to avoid grogginess upon waking. However, some individuals may benefit from longer naps, depending on their sleep patterns and overall health.

While midday napping can have potential benefits, it may not be suitable for everyone or practical in certain work or lifestyle situations. Some do better with simply going for a walk or changing the scenery to sit quietly (off your cell phone!). It's important to listen to your body and determine what works best for you.



Find your Qi as you learn the basics of Qigong with this amazing POSTING video and challenge that I offer. Check out the Youtube video or simply sign up for the FREE 5 Day Qigong Posting Challenge, by clicking here!


I urge my clients and the wider public to embrace the full spectrum of benefits that Chinese Medicine has to offer. Beyond the physical treatments and acupuncture sessions, Chinese Medicine offers a profound philosophy of living—one that encompasses diet, exercise, emotional well-being, and a deep connection to nature. By understanding and adopting these lifestyle principles, we can unlock hidden treasures that have the potential to transform our lives, fostering optimal health, and embracing the wisdom of this ancient healing tradition. Let us embark on this journey together, enriching our lives with the timeless wisdom of Chinese Medicine.


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