Summer Solstice

summer solstice healthy habits

Hello, my sunshine friends!

Summer Solstice is here!!

It's official- sunburns, mosquito bites, outdoor dining, swimming, camping, and all the fun highlights to the summer are here. Aside from all the outdoor chaos, what else can summer bring for us?

Summer is an excellent time to prepare for winter. Oh no... I said it. Booooo. Who wants to think about winter right now?! I do. And quite a few others who practice holistic health see summer as a time to soak up that sun and get as much Yang Qi or sunshine energy, as possible.

What is Yang Qi?

This is the time of the year when Qi (energy or movement) is in full bloom. You can see it on the earth as fruit is growing on trees and flowers are in full bloom. You can see it naturally in people as everyone is outside enjoying this lovely weather.

During the winter season, we need a little more of this Yang energy to tide us over for the shorter, colder winter days. Yes, I said it, colder. Esh! But don't fret, now that you have the opportunity to make your mind aware of how to care for yourself, you'll potentially avoid getting sick this fall and winter because you are going to USE the summer!

Let's go over four brief points of how you can benefit from the summer, cajun style!

summer fun exercise

Summer Mentality | Time to play and time to relax

In truth, I think that a summer mentality comes quite naturally. Get outside, run, play, enjoy the weather and feel the sun's warmth as you relish in the season that still has you feeling like a kid that just started summer break. 

It is a shame that many of us still have to work the same hours over the summer. I wish we could do as France does and take July or August off. Allow the country to slack a little bit as we all get to enjoy 4 weeks of play, rest, and restoration for another year. But unfortunately, we aren't like that, in fact, as Americans, we're quite Yang when it comes to playing. If we DO get time off this summer, we book it with adventures, trips, vacations, and gatherings.

One important mindset during this Greater Yang Summer season is to anchor the Yang. We already are in a flux of “Get me outside and I wanna PLAY” mode, but we also need to recognize that even in summer, we need to chill out by the poolside and relax.

With a balanced mentality, we'll see when we need time for a nap, a relaxing day of self-time, and even calling into work and saying you need a 3-day weekend to simply BE. (Yah good luck on using that as an excuse to skip work!) Take time to enjoy the weather, get outside, and find moderation in your actions as you learn that relaxing is just as important as play and work.

Summer Health | Keep away from AC as much as you can

Traditionally, there are holistic health tips that keep people from overheating but the reality is, MOST people are inside during the summer. How can we conserve Yang Qi while we're stuck inside with the worst thing that could happen to us... Air Conditioning.

While there are natural ways to cool off this season, be wary of intense air conditioning. It's a shame that employees cannot be in charge of that blizzard chill in the workspace, but alas, it's usually set to the degree that keeps iced drinks cool. Don't fall prey to the artificial Arctic chill that can leave many people with a summer cold. If you are in air conditioning all day, wrap up your neck just as you would in Spring or Fall. That chill can enter your Wind Gate and cold wind can infiltrate the body, draining the body of Yang Qi (the energy your body is meant to cultivate all summer long) which is now deficient in Yang Qi. Remember, you want to gather Yang Qi from the summer's heat but if you spend 40 hours a week in a cool, air-conditioned space, you've basically gone backward in your preparation for a strong immune system in the following seasons. Wrap up your neck if you're in AC!

Summer Movement | Sweat but not too much

You're stuck in AC all day at the office, then you go crazy after work and on the weekends to make up for it.

So many people tend to balance their extended indoor time with outdoor time through high-intensity cardio activities and lots of sun in one blow. Summer movement should consist of activities that allow the heart to beat strongly. Not too rapidly. But strong. How?

In addition to your fun outdoor activities, take time to move with Qigong. You want a strong heart to prepare your lungs for Autumn and this means centered breath and movement that doesn't push you to the max.

And yes, while some exercise is great at this time of the year, we still have to remember moderation... I think moderation is the new word for 'balance'. Why? Because people go crazy with exercise, but in fact, while sweating is okay in summer, excess sweating is detrimental. Why? (Man, you ask a lot of questions) Because when you sweat, it's Yang Qi leaving the body... seeing a theme here? Moderate how much you push your movement this Summer season. Sweating is okay but you will also need to replenish any lost Qi.. how? (Allow me to answer that one for you through yummy time!!)

Summer Nutrition (aka Yummy Time) | Anchor the Yang Qi & Be Merry

How do you replenish Yang Qi if you sweat it out during an afternoon game of capture the flag? You want to first replenish your electrolytes which is a way of restoring Qi.

Qi Replenishing Drinks

Draw a pitcher of water and add in a

  • Pinch of salt

  • A small dollop of honey

  • and cut up some fruit for flavor (lime, lemon, kiwi, cantaloupe, watermelon, orange, strawberries, etc.)

This is an excellent way to stay hydrated and keep from being bored with water.

*keynote: don't drink a lot of ice beverages. I know we all enjoy a chilled drink but just as I've said about cold drinks during winter, there's a similar effect on our digestive system when we drink too many iced beverages. Even in the summer. Period.

The same idea pertains to food. If we eat too many raw foods during the summer season, our bodies tend to become irritable as our warm cooker (aka our stomach) is busy wasting energy to heat the raw, cold foods we've consumed. Here is a great summer morning porridge that will nourish your Yang Qi and balance any depleted Yin Qi to help anchor the Yang so you can have the energy this season into the next!

Qi Moving Blood Building Summer Breakfast Mush!

For every ¼ cup of beans, oats, or rice-- you add a cup of water.

I personally use 5 types of the above (mostly because that's what I have in my house) but you can choose from the following. 


  • ¼ cup barley or steel oats, 

  • ¼ cup rice (brown, wild, black, mixed-- try to keep away from white rice)

  • ¼ cup red lentils

  • ¼ cup green lentils

  • ¼ cup quinoa


  • ¼ cup Mung Beans *perfect for summer as it's a cooling bean, great for nourishing the Yin Qi

  • ¼ cup dried fruit- I use apricots and bing cherries (this adds in some sweet)

  • ¼ cup dried Red Dates *great for moving blood and qi


  • Top with fresh strawberries, raspberries, and/or blueberries

  • Dash some Chia seeds and/or Black Sesame seeds on top

  • Sprinkle on top some bean sprouts *great for balancing the body with a cool herb


Bring 6 cups of water to a beginning simmer (6 cups because I'm cooking everything above) Again, it's a cup of water for every ¼ cup of beans, oats, and rice you use. You can use more or less... truly doesn't matter.

Dump your base ingredients in and simmer for 15 minutes before adding in the Summertime Yummies, add another 15 minutes to your cook time and you'll notice your porridge begins to thicken. I dash a bit of salt in as it cooks.

Once 30 minutes have gone by, dish out your portion and add the garnishes. You can always add in honey, ginger, cinnamon, anything that suits your taste buds! Enjoy! 

PS. This is even better the following morning as it makes a LOT. I tend to lightly reheat it with Almond Milk and it's perfect. Don't eat straight from the fridge, do make sure you warm it up. Even to room temperature. Warm food is good, it opens up your pores and allows your body to breathe!

healthy summer food recipes

Enjoy and be smart this summer.

Find your balance as you play outside. Take time to meditate and relax this season, you'll be grateful you did!


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