My Parents Are Getting Old?!

“Give me your car keys” “Get down from there, you can't be up so high!” “Did you do your PT homework?”

No these aren't the words focused on a teenager, these are the phrases you catch yourself asking your dad and mom. We look at our parents aging and wonder, what's happening here? Roles begin to reverse and some of us are taking car keys away, rules are being put in place and a new time is approaching. We are parenting our parents. 

We watch them move, we listen to them talk, we look at the signs of aging and think... is this going to be me in 30 years?

There should be no fear of aging and no sadness, especially because as you watch your parents take on old age-- you can learn from their example. Are they getting old? Or are they aging well?

The good news is, you have the choice. Right now. At this very moment. And you wanna know the best part-- It's EASY!

Here is a simple list of the top 4 things you can start TODAY so your kids will see YOU as an inspiration in 30 years to come:

getting old tips healthy habits

1. GET UP!
After an hour of being seated... stand up. Then sit down. Then stand up. Then sit down. Repeat this crazy 'chair squat' exercise 10 times, then go for a 2-minute walk. Around the office or house, maybe you're at Starbucks and you now look like you had one too many shots of espresso-- DO IT!

water old ageing health

And nooooo, you don't get to splash any of the weird sugar water enhancers into your glass of clear tasteless liquid, my goodness- just drink water. If it's that painful for you, squeeze a lime, lemon, or orange into it. I promise it'll help keep you hydrated and keep the connective tissue, organs, and muscles happy.

laughing happy old

Now? YES goofball! I want you to look like the crazy person down on Bleeker and Broadway Avenue giggling to themselves and having the time of their life. Find a YouTube channel you find funny (QiTime TV, hint hint) or you can watch babies sneeze, whatever gets your goat. But laugh. You release hormones that help settle your nervous system, you are more pleasant to be around, and your body can heal and age better with a good chuckle!

breath work breathing

Many of us have not taken in a good breath since that yawn this morning. Take a breath in... good. Now hold your breath for 2 counts. Excellent, ready for the big finale? LET IT GO! That right, exhale till you feel your ribs squeeze and then hold for as long as is comfortable. Then reset with a gentle inhale with your nose. Nice!

That said you have the 4 Easy and Simple starts to aging well. It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be complex. It just has to be consistent!


Summer Solstice


Stretching- You've been doing it wrong all these years?!