Getting Sick Stinks

It happens to us all. We all get sick from time to time. The problem with being sick is not the illness but rather how to endure aches & pains, stuffiness, fever and cough while the body fights off the infection. Often it’s the lingering fatigue or that cough that won’t go away that leaves us wondering how we can get help.

I’m getting better, I swear…

“I’ve had this cough for weeks” says my student after class as she blows her nose. “I’m getting better. But I just can’t shake it".

This scenario isn’t unfamiliar. Even before COVID, I’ve had student to come to my class days after an infection while others will swear they are getting better but report fatigue or a running nose that lasts for weeks. If you are someone with lingering symptoms, it’s okay. You just need a BOOST to help your immune system complete its job.

I send ALL my students to a Chinese Medicine practitioner.


Chinese Medicine Works

Your cold is more complex than ‘just a cold’. Did you know that there are variations of ‘being sick’ in Chinese Medicine? CM (Chinese Medicine) approaches the common cold as a result of external factors such as wind, cold, heat, or dampness invading the body. CM practitioners believe that each of these factors can cause different types of colds with unique symptoms, and treatment is customized accordingly.


so you can treat your symptoms appropriately!

Some common treatments for the common cold utilizing Chinese Medicine:

  1. Herbs: Chinese herbs are used to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and relieve symptoms such as coughing and congestion. Some commonly used herbs include honeysuckle flower, chrysanthemum flower, mint, ginger, and licorice.

  2. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a technique in which thin needles are inserted into specific points on the body to restore Qi flow and balance the body's functions. It can be used to relieve symptoms such as headache, sinus congestion, and sore throat.

  3. Cupping: This technique involves placing glass or plastic cups on the skin and creating a vacuum to draw blood to the surface. Cupping can help with circulation and boost the immune system IF used on the appropriate person. Cupping can also be depleting on some constitutions.

  4. Moxa: Moxibustion involves burning dried mugwort on or near the skin to warm and stimulate acupuncture points. This technique can be used to boost the immune system and relieve symptoms such as coughing and congestion.

  5. Food Therapy: There are specific soups and teas that can alleviate cold symptoms. For example, ginger tea may be used to warm the body and promote sweating, which can help expel the cold virus.


Want to sign up for my FREE Workshop?

Click the link below and you can sign up for my next FREE online event, How to Treat the Illness. A one hour self-care lecture highlighting what you can do BEFORE - DURING - AFTER getting sick. Learn tips and tools to feel better faster this flu season!



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