4 Ways to get rid of your headache

I am prone to headaches. Why?

Long story short. As a young kid, I was skooting on ice with my hands in my pockets. You may see where I'm going from here. I slipped, went face-first into the ice and my chin stopped my fall. Thanks, chin. You've got it rough.

I share this story with you because I have had my fair share of MAJOR headaches and migraines. MAJOR. It's been a pain in the brain for me and I wanted to share this MYMA Maintenance tip with you because I feel that the power of self-healing has helped me MANY times when that terrible pounding of a headache begins to thud.

Not that you have had to experience a face fall accident when you were younger to get bad headaches. Headaches can happen due to stress, muscle tension, postural alignment, lack of blood circulation, allergens, and other various variables that lead to a boom-boom pounding of the head.

So before we get into HOW TO RID headaches. Best to know how to prevent them altogether.

get rid of headaches help

Stress triggers. Discover what sets you off. Kids screaming. Feeling overwhelmed at work. Self-inflicted pressures that we impose upon ourselves. It's all there. The best way is to recognize it, breathe, and learn to let it go.

Postural Alignment. Here's a great way to recognize how to sit and stand. Pay attention to how you're eating. Are you hunched over like a prisoner from Orange is the New Black? Or are you still up with an erect spine as you bring the food to your face (as you should.) If you're not eating properly, I can almost guarantee you that you're not sitting properly on a regular basis. Imagine as if you're always seated at a dinner table for royalty. When you get tired? Stand up. 50% of your weight is distributed on each leg. Try and stand in a horse stand where your center of gravity is in your hips as you drop everything to the floor. When you stand and sit properly, your head tends not to jet forward and pressure on the neck isn't as intense, leaving you with a lighter head and balanced body.

Bad Habits. Grinding your teeth? Clenching your fists? Always at the computer? Cross your right leg over your left? Your bad habits may be ingrained in you but you can begin to recognize them as they tend to have an effect on your emotions, physical, and mental dealings. Do you prefer to skip exercise and drink? Sweet treats your preferred go-to? Is water a rarity in your daily consumption? All these have factors on whether you get headaches. Recognize bad habits and replace them with good habits. It'll save you the pounding headache in the end.

So what happens when those headaches come as we're learning to cope with stress, recognize bad habits, and align our posture? Awww the magic of self-healing. I want to introduce a few acupressure points that have saved me from my head wanting to explode.

3 Tips to Help with Managing a Headache!

  1. The Magic of Touch through Acupressure

  • Playing on headaches and how beneficial it is to know a few points to help soothe the pain.

  • LI4,  Joining the Valley “Hoku” *caution: pregnancy

  • UB 10 and GB 20

  • Jaw massage (with cork)

  • GB headaches and massage

Once your body is opening up the meridian for Qi to flow, you should help it by moving the body and breathing. Here are a few great exercises I follow to help alleviate headaches.

2. Move with it- Tension Releasing Exercises 

  • 'Yes, dears' exercises

  •  Breathing exercises

  • Shoulder shrugs

  • Head ROM and stretch 

  • Forward flexion of the neck, hands clasp and push forward to open back.

  • Squeeze shoulder back

  • Clench jaw and release (wine cork) to relax the jaw

  • Up against a wall, straighten up the spine.

Through Body401k, I am always teaching maintenance from a movement-based approach but I have to add that in addition to touching yourself and movement, your body reacts to what you are (or aren't) putting in your mouth. This is a VERY important note: What you eat and drink can have a profound connection to headaches and migraines. 

3. You are what you eat

  • Drink water- Dehydration has its affects on our heads

  • Keep away from the booze.

  • It depends on your body but for some, caffeine can actually have a positive effect to relieving the pound in your head. This is a trial by error sort of self-test however. Some may react the opposite as your headache may persist. Don't become a coffee addict however, this is only a subtle 'fix' as your body may need the caffeine to settle the nervous system.

  • Watch your intake of sugar, dairy, gluten, and fried foods. Yes, all the fun foods. It just depends on your body's reaction to those foods.

Ideally, if you work with these points of acupressure, self-massage, movement, and dietary guidelines, you may possibly be able to prevent stress headaches altogether! Of course, if you've just been hit in the head by a frying pan, or someone boxer punched your face... you may want to go see a doctor as your headache may be due to trauma!

Rub and move my friends!

